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Numerology 2021

By Anupam V Kapil.
Copyright: January 2001

Celebrity astro numerologist Anupam V Kapil shows what your Annual Personal Number reveals of your fate in 2021. To know your annual number, add your birth day+birth month +current year and reduce to a single digit. If your birthday is 1st January, then add 1+1+current year 2021, so 1+1+5=7, so your annual number in 2021 is 7.

Annual Number 1

Be ready for major changes. Initiate, plan and start the work. An important change is likely to place. The future of your next 9 yrs depend on what you do now. A year of opportunities, new starts, new ideas and anything new. 1 represents a time of birth, time to take charge. Be organised and focused, avoid distractions and procrastination. After you are sure that you are right, take a stand and push forward with determination. Not the best of times for new unions. Career: A time to apply for a new job, this year requires work, organisation and clear thinking, not relaxation. Most people start new businesses during this period. Key months are, April where you can lay your foundations. Changes in career or residence can take place in April, career changes and improvements likely in May, July and September. Romance: Excellent time to get involved with someone new and younger. Leo/Aries/Sagittarius/Aquarius may enter your life and those born on 1,4,9th. January/May/July/October may bring these people into your life.

Annual Number 2

Wait, co operate and form associations. A year of co operation, marriage, moving in with a lover, taking on a business partner. Nothing must be shouldered alone, help is at hand, you just have to ask for it. There is a tendency for agreements or associations to break up unless you are more than patient and considerate, especially during February and March. According to your numbers— May could find you deeply disturbed about what others have said or done. You will be unusually sensitive. Be calm, pleasant and strengthen your friendships. Patience, diplomacy and tact will be important in dealing with others. Some may experience emotional depressions and frustrations. A good period for establishing unions, build friendships and stay in harmony with everyone, partnerships, agreements and new friends will come if you are co operative, friendly, quiet and peaceful. Career: Your success and happiness depend to a great extent on how much tact and diplomacy you use in dealing with others, esp when things are not moving smoothly. Any attempt to force conditions in a dominating and aggressive way. Internal rather than external changes more likely. Work area may change, from one floor to another or even relocation to another building or being assigned another task. March/April/June/August are important for job moves/advances. Romance: Be wise in all relationships/associations this year as you might establish close or even lifelong relationships now, many people find their soul mates in a 2 year. Cancer, Taurus and Librans may come into your life, also those born on numbers adding to 2,6,7. Strong romance possible in April, June and September.

Annual number 3

Expand personal ideas of creativity and enjoy life with optimism but control. Pleasure, travel, active social life, and entertainment keep you busy. A very light expressive year, one of meeting interesting people and socialising. 3 energy promotes creativity, so make the most of your creative and artistic talents, don’t loose the opportunity. A "quickening" force operating in your affairs and now is the time to make use of the creative, inspirational, and imaginative ideas and ideals which flood your heart. If you just drift along, this can be a wasted year and an unhappy one; Those in creative professions will benefit, writing, teaching, journalism will do well. A time for friends and doing the things you enjoy. Entertain all you can and go when you are invited. Its a good time for a vacation or holiday. You will meet exciting people, avoid tendencies towards glamour and extravagance. Do make the most of the wonderful work/ new business opportunities/expansion as recognition is very likely. In fact, this is a good period to have a side business if you don’t have one. Career: Financially v good year, surround yourself with positive people. You may travel for pleasure and also accumulate money. Outlook is bright as 3 is number of expansion and growth. Thursday’s/ Fridays are best days to ask for raise/ promotion. Feb/March/May/July/November bring better opportunities for advancement in career. Romance: Love will be flirty rather than serious, you will get involved with those younger than yourself, esp with Sagittarius/Pisces or numbers that add to 3,6,9. March/May/August/December are best months to develop relationship.

Annual Number 4

Work hard, consolidate the details and lay the foundations for future rewards. A year to get organised and be practical, time to be busy and to follow a schedule, avoid being lazy. Career: Financially, this is a very fruitful year, sources of income are bound to increase and you shall be self dependent. You must save, what you have saved now will be useful in the long term. Consolidate on past gains. Selling and trading activities will be profitable. A good time to invest in property, real estate/renovate your home. Be prudent with the finances. Despite many delays and obstacles, limitations, whether psychological, financial or physical, your work will be completed to your advantage. Without hard work and toiling results won’t come on their own. The more effort, the greater the rewards and benefits. Wednesday/Monday will be best to ask for job changes, favours or a raise. January/February/April/October are months to stay alert for job oppotunities. August shows the best influence for a vacation and pleasure. September brings many practical problems, but should show you results. Unusual people will be drawn to you, those from different ethnic background, esp, Gemini/ Leo/ Aquarius and numbers that add to 4,5,7. Best months for romance are February/April/July/November. Romantic matters and affairs may not yield much fruit.

Annual Number 5

Obstacles are removed, new opportunities bring important changes, time to initiate in new directions. An easy year which is much lighter and interesting, rather than the seriousness of last year. Let go of routine and try something different. Those connected with drama, communications, media, music, radio, broadcast networks shall have a very eventful year. A certain restlessness may lead you to make definite changes, may also be of office/residence. Freedom of speech, action and travel is uppermost in your mind. Good year for travel to exotic places, moving out, doing something different. Career: A year of dynamic changes, where taking risks brings gains. Feel as free as the air, to go where you please, but go somewhere, as opportunity will be found outside the ordinary routine. Financially and materially things turn for the better, your name and reputation receive a boost. Capitalize fully on new openings and opportunities coming your way. Be sure to advertise your product. Wednesday/Fridays best days for asking for raise, and March/May/September/October are good to look for asking for a raise promotions/ career advancement. Romance: Your sex appeal increases considerably now. Welcome new situations, places and people. You will attract those younger to you and there will be temptations of flesh, too much food, alcohol and drugs are probable, so watch out! Don’t scatter yourself or get burnt out. Taurus/Gemini/Virgo/Libra and those numbers that add to a 5,6 th will be attracted to you.

Annual Number 6

Domestic duties, love, marriage and home, and service to community are to be attended. A strong desire to get settled may be in your mind, both in business and domestic affairs, and the end of the year should bring considerable satisfaction in this respect Love affairs may bring interest. After last years freedom, your interest would be centred around home and community, domestic responsibilities/duties keep you busy. Domestic tensions disappear on their own. Plan time for your loved ones and for maintainence of your possessions. A good time to buy/build a new home, marry/engage in a community project. Help from influential friends brings considerable gains. Travels may be few, if any, they will be connected with family reunion/social functions, marriage, birth/death occasions. Career: Accumulation of money comes easily. Promotions, financial rewards and improvement in career is seen. Business continues to be active and profitable. A good period for those is the art, music, film and entertainment industry, hotel and hospitality and traditional medicine sectors, recognition comes to most of those connected with these sectors. Friday/Thursday/ Monday are important for asking a raise/promotion/career advancement or interviews. For asking job favours/promotions/ interviews, best days are Friday, Thursday/Monday. Months of February, April, August, September and November. Romance: A good year to get married, love and romance too happen suddenly. Taurus,Cancer, Libra and those born under dates that add to number 6,3 and 2 play an important role. February, May, September and November are important.The second half of the year will bring in a sense of fulfilment and satisfaction.

Annual Number 7

Sit alone, concentrate on past, present and future, plan further activities, analyse and meditate. Do not try too hard, or force issues, for this is a transition period, bringing release of some sort as a reward, when the year is done. Definitely, not a social year, its a year of mental housekeeping, tendency to spend time in isolation, or maybe for spiritual advancement. Avoid socialising in this year as you will introspective mood.You will sense the need for inner development and spend more time alone meditating. Strange and unusual events will inspire you to seek a deeper meaning in life or stop. Specialise in your line of work or talent, as efforts towards it will bring you recognition. Possibilities of old problems recurring. Avoid repression, though you may feel very lonely and detached. Career: Not a period for business expansion and change, only for perfection and change. A good financial year if you do not rush after money. Impulsive actions will bring loss. Analyse, study and perfect whatever you are deeply interested in, your intuition will bring you gains. A year to strengthen the foundation of your life. For asking job favours/promotions/ interviews, best days are Friday/Monday. Months of January, February, July, August, October and December are favourable for changes in job/advancement. Romance: Not the best year for romance, as 7 is a loner cycle which inclines more to spirituality. New affairs in this year usually don’t last long. Those numbers those add to 2,4,7 and Cancer/Pisces may come into your life. Watch out for developments in January/April/October.

Annual Number 8

Avoid sentiment and emotion and be business-like in your undertakings. Act, accomplish and try to achieve the reward of the cycle in the form of recognition and material satisfaction. This is the year for business, for all material matters. Through effort and activity you can achieve great things. Take the lead, be forceful and determined, go for what you want. This can be a year when you can accomplish big things. Don’t let little things stand in your way. Though the prospects for the future are good this is not the year that you should expand your undertakings. You will develop new relations and contacts with those in power and position. The 8 vibration year is one of power, expansion, growth and money. It is a time to encash what you have sown seven years back. Career: A year to reap the fruits of the past year.Big opportunities for businessmen. You may buy a new property. There will be completion of many matters of things. Many matters will go your way, if you sell something it will fetch a good price, if you buy you will get a good deal. You vision and intuition will help you in being more efficient and focused. Overall, this will be a satisfying year.For asking job favours/promotions/ interviews, best days are Saturday Thursday/Friday. Months of February, June, July, September and November are favourable for changes in job/advancement.

Romance: You might get attached to someone elder in age or very rich/influential, especially to someone you already know from long. Those numbers those add to 8,6,3 and Capricorn /Libra come into your life. March/July/September/December are months where you can develop romance.

Annual Number 9

Watch and act for the completion of the experience, let some people and things depart without regrets and be prepared for some important changes. During the early Winter and Spring, affairs should improve and bring you an opportunity to do what you feel is necessary, but during the summer you may feel alone, held back, and unable to keep things moving forward in a steady manner. This is the culmination of the nine year cycle. A period of settlement, all things related with external affairs will come to a halt. A year to look back over the past years and let go of things that have outgrown their use. It may be difficult and painful, but you will have to take firm decisions. Its not the time for new beginnings, but endings. Trying to cling on to something and become personal would bring disappointments. Be tolerant, compassionate and unselfish. Losses both in friendship and business, unless you try to live impersonally. Your attitude this year will be impulsive, reckless and ambitious. You will become more direct and emphatic in speech, therefore it is necessary to guard against extremes. Guard against becoming involved in quarrels. Be tolerant, compassionate and forgiving, for then you will find this one of the most wonderful years of your life; a reward of love, sympathy, understanding, and fulfillment of your plans can result and bring financial assistance as well as loving appreciation. Romance: Love affairs and dramatic experiences are possible, especially from those of different ethnic background. Its a year which shall be full of love, friendship and happiness as long as you don’t try to make it too personal. Aries/Leo/Scorpio come into your life and numbers that add to 9,3,1. February, June, August, November shall be more eventful in romantic matters. Career: Excellent time to enhance your marketing skills, sharing with co workers or consolidating your business. Job losses possible due to 9 vibration. For asking job favours/promotions/ interviews, best days are Tuesday Thursday. Months of January, May, June, October are favourable for changes in job/advancement.